Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PCA - (01). Introduction to PC Applications

Applications ? - Computer programs are called as Application software.

Some applications are bundled as packages.

      Office Applications
      Graphic Design Applications
      Web Design Applications
      Desktop Publishing Applications

These all applications are running on the special software called Operating System.

Software ? -Computers intangibles called as software.

Operating System ? - The main software that gives a interface for a user to communicate with hardware devices.

            Manage hardware devices
            Manage and maintain disk file system
            Support Applications

Files and Folders in MS Windows

      Desktop ? - Very first screen is after login is named as Desktop.
      Main Directory of MS Windows ? - My Computer. It has Users document folder , Hard disk drives , Devices with removable storage

      Properties in MS Windows

      Some uses of Windows Explorer - Create , copy , paste , delete , move (cut and paste) , properties on files or folders

      Short cut Keys for Windows Explorer ? -

Files and Folders in Linux

      Linux ? - Open source Operating system that started in 1991.

      Linux Kernal ? - This and GNU tools use to create different distributions of Linux OSs.

            (i) Debian      (ii) Slackware      (iii) Red Hat

      Desktop ? - Desktop is a GUI for communicate with the Kernal.

            Ubuntu - gnome desktop (most popular and user friendly)
            Kubuntu - kde desktop
            Xubuntu - xfce desktop

      Main Directory of Linux ? - On Linux main directory starts with   / . It has five main directories named etc , dev , home , usr , var

            Normal users access only from $HOME directory.
            Only super users can modify other directories.

      Linux Commands ? 
  • cd                change directory
  • ls                  list files and folders
  • mkdir           make directory
  • touch            create a file
  • mv               move or rename a file or directory
  • rm               remove 
  • rm -r           directory_name(removing directories)
  • cat              display the content of file
  • vim             view a file in new name
  • cp               copy
      Linux GUI ? - copy , cut , delete , view properties

Open Office suit ? 

      OO writer         -             MS Word
      OO Impress      -             MS Power Point
      OO Calc           -             MS Excel
      OO Base           -             MS Access

Migration of Windows to Linux

      Photoshop                  -          GIMP
      Win Media Player     -          MPlayer
      3Ds Max                   -           Blender
      Dream Viewer           -          NVU



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