► Input ? - Convert data into electronic form (directly of or networks through)
- Key board , Mouse
- CPU , Mother Board , RAM
- Monitors , Printers
- Primary storages ? - Volatile.
- Secondary Storage
- Hard Disk , Flash Drives
1.2 - CPU ? - Central Processing Unit.
► Arithmetic / Logic Unit (ALU) ? - Performs arithmetical and logical operations.
- Arithmetic ? - + , - , / , *
- Logical ? - > , < , =
► Control Unit ? - Control the flow of informations & instructions to run programs.data control between ALU and main memory.
► Registers ? - Store very small amounts of data & instructions for short time of period.
- Machine cycle time ? - execution of an instruction take place during machine cycle , how many instructions are executed in a second. (MIPS)
- Clock speed ? - Predetermined rate of a CPU to produce a series of electronic pulses. (MHz , GHz)
- World length ? -No of bits the CPU can process at a one time.
- Bus line width ? - No of bits a bus line (way of transfer data from CPU to other components) can transfer at a one time.
1.3 - Main Memory ? -(RAM , ROM , & Cache) Located close to CPU , Not inside the CPU , Series of chip sets which can store data in binary stream.
► ROM ? - Read Only Memory , Data and instructions are stored in ROM permanently , Non volatile , Only can read , can not erase or modify. (Manufacture Data)
► Cache ? - CPU is much fast but not RAM. So cache memory chip is a bridge to transfer data between CPU and RAM to overcome of reducing of computer speed.
1.4 - Secondary storage? - Need of permanent data storage overcome by these , Non volatile.
► Access methods
- Sequential access ? - Data must be accessed by pass the order of which it is stored. (Slow)
- Direct access ? - Data can accessed directly by passing a sequential order. (Fast)
Magnetic disks ? - Direct access.
Hard disks ? - Use stacks of rigid magnetic disks with sealed cover , having read / write headers to transfer data.
Floppy disks ? - Magnetic disk with a case , Wants a drive to transfer data , Portable , Low capacity , Slow than hard disks.
Optical disks ? - Removable disks which data read and write from using a laser beam , Usually 12cm , High durability , Low cost.
CD-ROM ? - Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
WORM ? - Write Once Read Meny.
RW-CD ? - Re-Writable CD
1.5 - Input Devices ? - Input devices allow user to enter data to the computer.
► Key board ? -Primary input device , Convert letters numbers and symbols into electrical signals.
► Pointing devices ? - Allow user to sense about a position in display of the monitor to computer.
Track ball
Joy stick
► Voice / Speech recognition system ? - This allows user to enter voice or sounds as data to the computer.
► Digital cameras ? - This allows to users enter image or video as data to the computer.
► Terminals ? - These are called as POS (Point Of Sales) devices , Use for data entering to the computer in another place , connect to computer using cables.
► Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) devices ? - Allow to read printed sheets letters.
► Light pens ? - Easy way to do drawings , hand writings and inject to computer.
► Touch sensitive screens ? - Allow touch sense in to the computer more easily.
► Scanning devices ? - Allow convert texts , drawings , photographs as data to the computer.
Graphic Scanners
Finger print scanners
Bar code scanners
1.6 - Out put devices ? -Allow users to get back informations from the computers.
► VDU ? - Visual Display Units.
- Monitor ? - These are create a graphical interface to users for view informations.
- CGA ? - Color Graphic Adapter.
- SVGA ? - Super Video Graphic Adapter
Monitors Categorized as ,
Monochrome / Color
CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) / LCD(Liquid Cristal Display)
► Printers & Plotters
- Printers ? - Put on paper what on your monitor.
- Plotters ? - High quality printouts on large papers , Able to move horizontally to draw complex continuous diagrams and graphics.
► Music devices ? - Speakers head phones and other sound generate devices.
2.2 - Types of CS
- Hand held computers
- Portable computers
- Thin client computers
- Desktop computers
- Work station computers
- Server computers
- Mainframe computers
- Super computers
2.3 - Software ? - Set of programs designed to coordinate the activities & functions of the hardware and various programs through out the computer system.
► Types of Application Software ? - Application software gives organizations the ability to solve problems & perform specific activities and tasks.
Dis Adv. - Can take a long time & cost to develop , More risk to features & Performance .
Dis Adv. - May pay for never use features , May lack important features , May not match current work process.
► Application Software Based on Usage
- Proprietary ? - Solve unique or specific problem.
Dis Adv. - Can take a long time & cost to develop , More risk to features & Performance .
- Off-The-Shelf ? - Application softwares that already developed and available in market with providing standard functions.Generally gets by ASPs (Application Service Provider).
Dis Adv. - May pay for never use features , May lack important features , May not match current work process.
► Application Software Based on Usage
- Personal Application Software
- Word Processing ? - Transformed process of writing
- MS Word , Lotus WordPro , Corel Word Perfect
- Spread Sheet Analysis ? - Useful for business analysis , planning , modelling numbers and calculations & relationships(formulas)
- MS Excel , Lotus 1-2-3
- Database applications ? - Store manipulating and retrieve data.
- MS Access , DBASE
- Graphic program ? - Develop presentations , illustrations , and drawings.
- MS PowerPoint , Lotus FreeLance , Corel Presentation
- Personal information managers ? - Help to manage day-today works , appointments , notes , reminds , contacts & other informations. Sending email facility.
- MS Out Look , Lotus Organizer
- Online information services ? - Allow connect a personal computer to the outside world.
- Software suits & integrated software packages ? - Collection of single application programs packed in a bundle. Work similarly.
- MS Office , Lotus Smart Suit , Sun MS Star Office , Corel Word Perfect Office
- Other personal application software ? - Personal application software which used for special purposes.
- Turbo TAX , CaD
- Work-group application software ? - General purpose application that combines a variety of software features and functions to facilitate a collaboration.
- Lotus Notes , MS Exchange , Novell Groupware
- Enterprise application software ? - Aim to benifit an entire organization by improving cooperation & interaction between all departments and support to supply chain management.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ? - Manage critical business operations. Even use Small to Medium Enterprises (SMUs) .
Dis-Adv. - High cost , employee resistance to change due to change of business process.
- Application software for Decision support & specialized purpose ? - These are include expert systems as well as AI applications.
2.4 . Programing Languages & Software
► Overview
► Evolution of Programming Language. ? - Users requirement are changed over the years.
► Overview
People used languages to express ideas each other. Computers are not enough to intelligent for understand the human languages. It can only understandable language is binary language. So programming languages are used for communicate between human and computer. Functions of programming language provide instructions to the computer. Each programming language has a set of keywords , symbols and rules(syntax). Each programming language contains different characteristics or attributes.
- Java , Visual Basic , C++ , PASCAL
► Evolution of Programming Language. ? - Users requirement are changed over the years.
- First Generation CL ( 1940 s) ? - Use machine language/code , Had to be written in binary notations , depends on its CPU , Tedious & error prone in writing .
- Second Generation CL ( 1950 s) ? - Symbols are used to represent operation codes & storage locations , Called as Assembly Languages (Symbolic Language) , These represented symbols converted into machine language using program called Assembler , Complex than high level languages.
- Third Generation CL (1960 s) ? - Closer to English than before , Easy to learn , Must to translate these languages into machine languages , Two ways to do this translation.
- An Interpreter ? - Interpret one instruction to machine language & execute that , Again interpret next instruction & so on.
Dis-Adv. - Slow than compile.
- Use a compiler ? - Entire high level language translate into machine code and stored in disk. After execute that file.
Ex. - Java , C++ , Visual Basic
- Forth Generation CL ( 1970 s) ? - Very closer to English than 3GLs , minimum codes.
Ex. - SQL
- Beyond Fourth Generation CL ? - Used to create AI or expert systems , Also called as natural languages.
Ex. - LISP , ProLog , MYCIN
- OOP Languages (Object Oriented Programing) ? - More efficient for programing graphic oriented user interfaces , Re-usability of object
Ex. - SmallTalk , Visual Basic .NET , C++ , Java
- Visual Languages ? - Reduce the need to write detailed programming statements.
Ex. - Visual Basic , Visual C++
► Selecting a Programming Language
- Batch Vs Real time programing
- Procedure Vs Non-Procedure Orientation
- PLs for business Vs Scientific Applications
- Low productivity Vs High productivity
- High error levels Vs Low error levels
2.5. Software Issues and Trends
► Software Bugs ? - Flow in a computer program that causes it to produce incorrect or inappropriate results , In Off-The-Shelf this may high.
► Copyright & Licenses ? - Copyright low gives owner of a work certain rights over it and illegal for the use the work as through they were its owner ,Comes from 18th century , Software vendors earn money through licenses , A license is a permission given by the copyright owner to another person.
- Usage based licenses
- Capacity based licenses
- Software as a network service
- Subscription licensing
Ex. - SendMail , Apache , Linux Free BSD , Perl
More companies are emerging to support to OSI
Ex. - RedHat for Linux , C2Net for Apache
► Software Upgrades ? - Upgrades are provide additional capacities and easy to users.
► Global Software Support ? - Huge companies have distribution problem over the word , This problem overcome by appointing third party distributors , Customers arrange licensing with vendor and third party distributor provide the distribution and support & invoicing services.
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